You’re Not Supposed to Make Money

What? There’s a common myth out there that new business isn’t supposed to turn a profit in the first five years.

Surprisingly, a lot of business owners still buy into this. The idea that you have to grind for years without seeing any financial return can really hold you back from making smart decisions early on.

Why is this belief such a problem?

When you think profitability is something you’ll achieve ‘someday,’ it stops being a priority. You might avoid making necessary changes, skip out on strategic investments, or pass on opportunities that could actually accelerate your growth. And this mindset? It often leads to missed opportunities and unnecessary financial stress.

Take Maria, for example.

She ran a boutique marketing agency and had bought into this exact belief—that she needed to “pay her dues” before she could see any real profit. So, for years, she undercharged clients, reinvested all her earnings back into the business, and paid herself next to nothing.

Sound familiar?

 The breakthrough happened when Maria finally questioned this belief. She took a hard look at her pricing, went after high-value clients, and invested in her team’s skills. Fast forward a year, and her agency wasn’t just profitable—it was thriving. Maria was finally paying herself what she deserved, and her business was set up for sustainable, long-term growth.

The takeaway here? If you’re telling yourself that profit is something you’ll reap ‘later,’ after you’ve ‘paid your dues‘,  it’s time for a mindset shift.

Start by digging into your pricing, expenses, and revenue streams. Where can you make adjustments that will lead to profitability now, not in five years?

Remember, profitability isn’t just about making more money—it’s about building a resilient business from day one.

What’s one change you could make today that would start driving profit in your business? 

About the Author Lissa Daub

Lissa Daub is the founder of The Strong Impact Academy. She is a Chartered Professional in Human Resources (CPHR), a Certified Exit Planning Advisor (CEPA), and a certified Life & Executive Coach. She also specializes in CliftonStrengths and helps her clients leverage their strengths to find success.
Lissa grew up in an entrepreneurial family and observed from an early age the kinds of struggles business owners go through. She bought her first business at age 22. Several years later, she exited her business to venture into the corporate world. Here, she worked in purchasing, production planning, quality control and human resources. Throughout her career, she has gained expertise in helping owners just like you. As a Value Builder Advisor, Lissa is an expert on building value and developing a plan for success using a systematic approach to measure and improve the value of a business.
More than that, Lissa Daub is a skilled instructor who can teach you how to set your business up to thrive without you, enabling you to regain control of your life or exit your business.

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